Fun doodles to draw in class
Fun doodles to draw in class

A large number of shapes will make the doodle art more colourful. The lines should cross at many places to make different shapes.

  • Draw lines with multiple curves to make big loops or shapes that you can think of.
  • fun doodles to draw in class

  • Take the white paper or the drawing book.
  • To make fun doodle art with your kids, you need the following:

    fun doodles to draw in class

    This will develop an interest in the kids, and they will eventually enjoy the activity. In the beginning, to encourage kids to doodle, parents need to doodle with them. Kids enjoy these things and its easy for them to doodle the things they like.

  • A good way is to ask your child to draw one of his daily activities like a game, or a favourite cartoon, etc.
  • You can also draw the shapes to ease your child into doodling.
  • In case your child is unable to draw, a good way to encourage him to start doodling is to let him use shapes to draw and then fill those with colours or patterns.
  • When your child shows his doodle art to you, ask about the thoughts behind it or what the scribbles mean.
  • Appreciate the efforts it will encourage your little one to doodle more.

    fun doodles to draw in class

    Therefore, when your child shows you his doodle, never judge or critique the artwork. It’s a free drawing of whatever comes to your mind.

  • If you see your child wondering what to doodle, suggest some theme or topic, to begin with.
  • Let the children doodle whatever they want.
  • Don’t teach your kid how to doodle or copy what you have doodled.
  • They will unconsciously start doodling while mindlessly doing other things. Give them the drawing book and pen when they are watching tv, or while talking on the phone.
  • Doodling is an effortless and spontaneous activity, so don’t ask or remind your kid to do it.
  • Your kid will see them lying and use them to doodle.
  • Keep colourful markers, pencils, drawing books, etc.
  • Instead of asking him to do it, just start doodling yourself.

    fun doodles to draw in class

  • The best way to encourage your child to doodle is to start it yourself.

  • Fun doodles to draw in class