This iOS app is designed to work seamlessly with any DICOM compatible software, including PACS, medical workstations, acquisition modalities. It supports these DICOM Network protocols: C-STORE SCP, C-MOVE SCU, C-FIND SCU, C-GET SCU, WADO, DICOMweb. OsiriX HD is a fully DICOM-compliant listener that can receive images from any DICOM imaging device through WiFi/3G networks. OsiriX HD is capable of displaying images from all imaging modalities (ultrasound, CT scanner, MRI, PET, etc.) in their native standard DICOM format used by the medical/scientific industry.

OsiriX HD allows downloading and manipulating series of images directly on your iOS device. "OsiriX HD" is a DICOM software for iOS: DICOM is the digital standard for storing and transferring medical images. Mobie Awards 2009: Winner - Best Medical App Aunt Minnie's 2013 - "Best Radiology Mobile App” OsiriX HD is a full DICOM image viewer for iOS (DICOM Files & DICOM Network protocol support).