It may take some time, but the window often can be forced open. Stand beside the window while facing it and press the 'e' key.

How do I break into houses without smashing windows? Your attack needs to be charged by holding down the attack key before striking. Why are my attacks seemingly ineffective? This will most likely cause them to come a knocking and won't stop until dealt with. If you can see zombies through a window, then they can see you. Line of sight is also incredibly important. You should never run unless you need to get out of a desperate situation quickly. Once you're a safe distance away, you can probably safely walk as normal. If you're close to a zombie, hold CTRL to go into sneak/combat mode which will result in the least amount of noise while moving. You are probably making too much noise while moving. Gameplay Questions Why do zombies notice and follow me wherever I am? 4.4 I get this message of… Client version (956) doesn't match server (958) when I try to connect to a server.4.2 Can I change the length of days or the amount of Zombies/loot? Is there a way to respawn loot?.2.6 I'm getting the following error: "AL lib: alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed".2.4 "I'd like to have the most recent update on Steam, but I can't use Steam to get it" or "I can't download the game through Steam, but don't want the Desura version.".2.3 "The UI is out of alignment and overlaps - it makes it difficult or impossible to do anything.".